Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Vágtázó Életerő
Whirlwind - Recalling the VHK
(Forgószél - VHK idéző)
alternative progressive

Enlarge this picture! The Galloping Life Force is not simply the continuation of the VHK, since it is the genuine
VHK itself, as well as a new, self-contained band. We made the road ahead us free. We develop
in the way as we see the best, we have no other viewpoints. We are playing music to throw our
life into the infinity!
We have an enormous, lifelong friendship beyond us. This is the unvisible castle from which
we draw the magic force. This music group had to come to this world, and were we not to exist
we would have to be invented. Because we are a band with a completely unusual essence:
the Extraordinary Reality, the complete reality explored by extrasensory perception in the
non-ordinary states of mind. The whirlwind!
Many do contact with this extraordinary reality only at their death. Due to the Vágtázó
Életerô, we can experience the extraordinary power of life now. The essence of the music of
the Vágtázó Életerô erupts frequently like a whirlwind from an enormous, all-of-us-inclusivebeing,
from the spirit of this music group. Something wants to make music within us, and it
wants to make music to show what life can be in its full completion, by the truth of God.
We are companions in the eruption of the final triumph of life. We overthrow the doors
opening to the utmost world, so that everyone can see with their own eyes the world-shaking
gigantic secret lurking in the center of life! A handful group, we are connected by the shaking
of the celestial spheres. Lights darts up, we give wings to each other! Flying with utmost speed
to the wonderous power of the Universe, towards the gorgeously great future of mankind!
We became the research group of the utmost certainties of the world. This strange, extraordinary
world is the true face of reality, and this true world wants to live, to live forever. Anyhow,
the Vágtázó Életerô is the music group of the utmost reality.

Atilla Grandpierre - vocal
Endre Balatoni Boli - timpani, percussions, throat-sounds
Ádám Mestyán - bass, throat-sounds
Lajos Molnár Lujó - guitar
László Németh Fritz - guitar, throat-sounds
Kristóf Szabó - drums, throat-sounds
Szónusz - bass, violin, throat-sounds

1.Forgószél / Whirlwind - A38 (9:38)
2.Távoli világok / Distant Worlds (7:26)
3.Élő világegyetem 2009-es változat / Living Universe version 2009 - Petôfi Csarnok (15:25)
4.Örökkévalóság 2009-es változat / Eternity version 2009 - Petôfi Csarnok (7:35)
5.Fénysuhamlás 2009-es változat / Gliding Light version 2009 - A38 (8:43)
6.Hunok csatája 2009-es változat / Battle of the Huns version 2009 - A38 (10:15)
7.Halló, mindenség! 2009-es változat / Hallo, Universe! version 2009 - Petôfi Csarnok (4:00)
8.Holdvilág / Moonlight - A38, studio (4:38)
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