Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Trottel Stereodream Experience
One Step Ahead psychedelic alternative

Enlarge this picture! Tamás Rupaszov "Rupasoff" - bass, electroncs, speech
Rita Kardos - sax, synthesizer
Gábor Mihalics "G" - drums

3.Lassú magyaros
5.One Step Ahead
6.A Slice of Bread
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TRO74CD CD 2008   12.00
Trottel Stereodream Experience alternative ethno ethno

Enlarge this picture! A Trottel Stereodream Experience' is a 9th studio recording. It is an imaginary voyage: You first get the Rhythm, feel the Space then you go on a long Journey. You and up in the House Of The Witches where the bravest ones enter into a spychedelic dance. Then you climb the Mountain and at the and the luckiest ones meet secret agent James Bond. The instruments used on this album: drums, percussions, indian singing, didgeridoo, Live Act (mono casio, korg trinity keyboards, bass, violin, electribe effect and rhythm processors).

1.The Rhythm / A ritmus
2.The Space / A tér
3.The Journey / Az utazás
4.The House Of The Witches / A boszorkányok háza
5.The Dance / A tánc
6.The Mountain / A hegy
7.Meeting Bond / Találkozás J. Bonddal
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TROCD 67 CD 2002   13.00