Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Kollár Attila - Invocatio Musicalis
Live progressive

Enlarge this picture! The team of INVOCATIO MUSICALIS really enjoys playing and making music and all of us truly appreciate the magic of live music. Nevertheless, the concert recordings that comprise this CD were selected not from several hundred recordings but only from about seven-eight pieces. There is a very simple reason for this, in the past eight years we have given “only” less than a hundred concerts.
Encouraged by the incomparable magic of live music we have been doing our best to display our musical talents received from the Lord. For this purpose, an excellent starting point is provided by the collection of songs/hymns and psalms found in the songbook of the Hungarian Reformed Church. These are far not the variations of a simple theme since the rich musical treasury of diverse origins used in the 1940s to select contents of the songbook encompasses several centuries.
Young artists always try to find and discover new tunes, new voices and new means of expressing their message in their individual ways. For us it is a special reward that we may consider these remakes and variations of pieces selected from the Reformed Church songbook almost absolutely as ours and can play these songs on our concerts together with our own compositions.
We are delighted that we could play our music with success not only on “home turf” but also abroad. We held concerts in September, 2008 in Nagyszeben (Sibiu), Transsylvania and also in May, 2012 in Kaufbeuren, Southern Bavaria.
Besides the milieu of a church or the intimate setting of a smaller music club we also appreciate when our songs and compositions can be heard live on a larger stage. Since the founding of the group in 2007 the annually held Reformed Church Musical Festival in Hungary is a standard event for us where we can expect to play the strings and blow the flute each year. This will be the same in May, 2015 when the tunes of INVOCATIO MUSICALIS should be heard again on the grand stage in Bakáts square, Budapest.
How did the name Musical Witchcraft change to Invocatio Musicalis? In fact, this can be checked out on the web page of our group ( On the other hand, the answer to the question “how we may get even closer with our songs to those who our truly fond of music” is still, well, the music of the future...As Johann Sebastian Bach, the only remark we intend to write on the virtual musical sheet following our compositions is:
Soli Deo Gloria, i.e. Glory to God alone!

Lóránt Király - bass
Attila Kollár - flute
Ferenc Kornis - percussion
Gábor Naszádi - guitar
Tamás Őry - drums

Edina Szirtes - violin
Margit Szvetnyik - violin
László Vermes - drums

1.274. református ének feld. (Ki Istenének átad mindent…)
2.Greg Lake nyomdokain
3.379. református ének feld. (Emlékezzél, Úr Isten, híveidről…)
4.Utazás az Andokban
5.137. zsoltár feld. (Hogy a babiloni vizeknél ültünk…)
6.265. református ének feld. (Hagyjad az Úristenre te minden dolgodat…)
8.Felséges Isten, nagy nevedet áldom… (Boroszlói kéziratból)
9.Kelta parafrázis
10.Ma liberté…
11.200.református ének feld. (Ó, maradj kegyelmeddel Mivelünk, Jézusunk…)
12.Invocatio Musicalis – a zenekar bemutatása
13.338.református ének feld. (Lelki próbáimban, Jézus, légy velem…)
14.9. zsoltár feld. (Tebenned, Uram, vigadok…)
15.Sűrű erdő mélyén…
16.373. református ének feld. (Jövel, teremtő Szentlélek…)
17.356. református ének feld. (Felvirradt áldott szép napunk…)
bonus tracks
1.Reggeli tánc…
2.Olimpia 2012
3.302. református ének feld. (Ó népeknek Megváltója…)
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