Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Szőke Szabolcs
Da Solo Sulla Strada world music

Enlarge this picture! ...he paints the shines of Venice with the ancient violin of angels, the gadulka.

Szabolcs Szőke is a part of the music life of Venice from 30 years ago.
His renasaince figure appers in Gudecca, in the places of Canal Grande or in the San Angelo.
One night he facninates 3000 people in a festival of the town and in the other day he captures a couple of passersby in small retired corner of squares.
The way as others paints with brush is the same as he paints the shines of Venice with the ancient violin of angels, the gadulka.
Through his music and stories we can be a part of his private relations with Venice.

Szőke Szabolcs - sarangi, gadulka, array
mbira, ektar, bass-kalimba

1.Dau Tempi Di Un Passato Remoto No.1.
2.Dau Tempi Di Un Passato Remoto No.2.
3.Masengo - Kanaker
4.Nozze Persiane
6.Dau Tempi Di Un Passato Remoto No.3.
8.Il Confine Turco E'Ormai Vicino
9.Campo S.Toma
10.Tre Ritratti
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HRCD 1514 CD 2015   0.00
La Luce di Musica world music

Enlarge this picture! Szabolcs Szőke - gadulka
Dániel Kardos - guitar
Dániel Váczi - sax
Evelin Tóth - vocal
Róbert Benkő - double bass
Fruzsina Eszes - cello
István Kerek - violin

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HRDVD 911 DVD 2013   0.00
60th Birthday Concert (2CD) world music ethno

Enlarge this picture! Birthday concert of Szőke Szabolcs, one of the most famous hungarian etno and world musicians.

László Dés - sax
Mihály Dresch - sax
Kornél Fekete-Kovács - trumpet
Gábor Juhász - guitar
Zoltán Lantos - violin
Dániel Váczi - sax

Bladder Circus Company
Tin-Tin Quintet

CD 1.
1.Overture of Bladdercircus
2.Canzone Araba No. 1
3.Whirling in Seven
4.Canto delle tortore
6.Variations of a Sefardic Song
7.Sentences III.
CD 2.
2.Warlike Kurd
5.Nine Arabesq
6.Quart Models
7.Confrontation in Duet
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HRCD 906 CD 2009   0.00
Agenda world music

Enlarge this picture! „The gadulka is a solitudeinstrument. Our record tells mostly about this solitudeinstrument. We are inseparable of each other. My instrument originates from a Bulgarian town, called Nesebar. This is a headland. Partly Europe, partly Asia. The man, I have bought it from, thirthy years ago, is Hriszto Ivanov, Bulgarian gadulka player. I dedicate this record for him and for my wife, Margit, with whom I was there on honeymoon. And for my daughter, Sára, whose marriage will be soon. But, of course, for everyone, who is listening this music – really a musical diary (Agenda) – with open heart and ears. It raises a monument to the memory of a Bulgarian gadulka musician, of our young days, of my wandering in the world, Budapest – Nesebar – Paris – Caracas – Florence – Venice – Bovegno di Magno – imaginary eastern towns, the sounds of solitude and being together. These are the sound of the beggar and of the rich, in the litterally and the figurally sense of the word as well.” – Szabolcs Szőke

Szabolcs Szőke – gadulka, sarangi
Evelin Tóth - voice

1.Párhuzamos maqam
2.Furioso ötben
3.Eleven tánc – Mriszto Ivanov emlékére
4. Középkor Neszebarban – Andrea Lazzarinak
5.Variációk a fövenyórához
6. Menyegzői zene – Sára lányomnak
7.Közel már a török határ
8.A Campo S. Toma harangjai
9.Tükörképek – Margitnak
10. Az éjszaka hangjai – apám emlékére
11.Alla albanese
12.Három kínai metszet
13.In Caprera
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HCD 326 CD 2006   0.00
Sinbad's Songs world music

Enlarge this picture! Szőke is a well known artist from Tin-Tin, Makám and Kolinda. Besides playing on oriental instruments he is also known for directing theatre pieces. This is the first time, that these three works: Omáar Khayyám, The Arabian Nights and Jayadeva are blended into one single unit. There verses are set to music mainly for original instruments. Their melodic and rhythmic structure is built on Indian, Persian, North African, Balkan and East-Central-European elements.

Bea Palya - vocal, mouth organ, kalimba, anklung, bells, rhythmic speech, clapping
András Monori - kaval, sithar, bamboo flute, double recorder, trumpet, mouth organ, kalimba, guitar, bells
Péter Szalai - tabla, kalimba, ocean drum, rain stick, bells, rhythmic speech
Szabolcs Szőke - gadulka, sarangi, gusla, kalimba, bamboo zither, bells
Lajos Spilák - tapan, gongs, bells, prose
Éva Enyedi - anklung, mouth organ, mbira, rhythmic speech, clapping
Katalin Homonnai - anklung, mouth organ, mbira, rhythmic speech, clapping
Domokos Szabó - anklung, bamboo sansa

1.Koldusének - Beggar's Song (00:65)
2.Hajtsd fel a serleget - Empty your Goblet (3:09)
3.Kéjviadal - Carnal Fray (4:34)
4.Virág vagyok, illatos - I am a Flower, Sweet-Smelling (2:52)
5.Szindbád első monológja - Sindbad's Soliloquy No.1. (2:09)
6.Hószínű homlokán a fürt - The Curl on her Snowy Brow (3:23)
7.Szárnyas lovacska - Winged Horsey (1:13)
8.Hajnal van - It is Dawn (3:06)
9.Tengeri szörnyek - Sea Monsters (3:15)
10.Szindbád második monológja - Sindbad's Soliloquy No.2. (2:54)
11.Menj, mentsd meg lelkedet - Go, Save Your Soul (4:55)
12.Szépen harapjanak erős fogaid - Let Your Strong Teeth Bite Me Nice (3:51)
13.A Föld forog - The World is Spinning (1:41)
14.Szindbád harmadik monológja - Sindbad's Soliloquy No.3. (2:32)
15.Én nem kéjért, mámorért iszom - I Drink not for Lust, not for Delirium (1:46)
16.Ez tény - One Thing is Certain (00:56)
17.Aki a szerelemnek kinyitja a kaput - The One Who Opens the Gate to Love (1:32)
18.Szindbád búcsú monológja - Sindbad's Farewell Soliloquy (2:13)
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BGCD 056 CD 2000   0.00