Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Voces Aequales
Ecce Maria Genuit... church music early music early music

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1.Josquin Desprez - O admirabile commercium
2.Ingressa - Lux fulgebit
3.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Introitus
4.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Gloria
5.Angelorum Laus - Gloria
6.Psalmellus - Trecum principum
7.Josquin Desprez - Quando natus est
8.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Credo
9.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Offertorii
10.Offertorium - Ecce apertum est
11.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Sanctus
12.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Ad elevationem
13.Josquin Desprez - Germinavit radix Jesse
14.Confractorium - Magnum et salutare
15.Transitorium - Te laudamus
16.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Agnus
17.Loyset Compere - Missa de D.N.J.C.: Loco Deo Gratias
18.Responsoriu, - Hodie nobis Dominus adventi
19.Josquin Desprez - Ecce Maria genuit
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MAE 008 CD 2002   0.00
Genesis world music classical

Enlarge this picture! This CD, the organic continuation of the previous recording “Apocalypsis”, is the middle section of a trilogy. “Tempora”, the final section of the “Triptychon”, will be released next year. The motets on the recording, as the modern compositions are musical adaptations of the story of creation in various approaches. At the dawn of a new millennium, at the end of a millenium; a view through the past and into the future, of the world and humanity’s birth, fate and place in the circle of life.

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FA-066-2 CD 1999   0.00
Apocalypsis world music classical

Enlarge this picture! 500 years ago Albrecht Dürer published a series of 15 woodcuts based on the Book of Revelations entitled “Apocalipsis cum figuris”. This artisitc work of eternal value supplied the inspiration for this singing group which was formed in 1993. Here they have successfully made a synthesis of the text, the picture and music. The music is built upon the works of four rennaisance masters (Clemens, Gombert, Lasso, Porta), Gregorian elements, and the works of a young Hungarian contemporary composer Bánk Sáry. The final result is a splendid recording, extraordinary in its own art form. The record appears in the stores with a handsomely packaged, tasteful graphic design on the cover and an added booklet of informational text.

Bárány Péter - countertenor
Gavodi Zoltán - countertenor
Gyulai Csaba - tenor
Koncz András - bariton
Mizsei Zoltán - bariton
Demjén András - bass

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FA-051-2 CD 1998   0.00