Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Tizennyolc folk

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2.Fosztóbál Újfalun
3.Vásárhelyi promenád
4.A szentesi högyön
6.Rákóczi búzája
10.A Fejedelemé
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BOKCD 001 CD 2014   0.00
Bourdon Synthesis folk

Enlarge this picture! The Bokros Ensemble is a brad new folk music formation whose members are amongst the best musicians of the folk music scene. Each one of them has been playing folk music in different groups for many years (Hurdy-Gurdy Ensemble, Téka, Vujicsics). Apart from the fact that the members of the group are good friends and have a similar musical philosophy, the Bokros Ensemble is a result of an old dream: on the one hand the cultivation of the tradition of bourdon-sound (sound of the hurdy-gurdy and of the bagpipe), on the other hand the search of new ways within this sound with innovative purpose. The functioning of this group is like the three strings of the hurdy-gurdy; the tune, the rattling and the drone string all "play teh melody their own way", yet the charasteristic sound of the hurdy-gurdy is finally produced by the consonance of all of the three strings. None of them is more important than the other, they complete each other. Bokros Ensemble's creative members play their tunes with their instruments in a way that reflects their personality making up the ensemble itself is the final result. Each one for himself, yet as an ensemble.

Mihály Borbély (Vujicsics) - clarinet, tárogató, alt saxophone, zurna, viola-tambura
Pál Havasréti (Téka, Magyar Tekerőzenekar) - double-bass, cello, drum
Judit Kóta - voice
György Lányi (Téka) - viola, bagpipe, vocal
Béla Szerényi (Magyar Tekerőzenekar) - hurdy-gurdies, vocal

1.Angol rókatánc (6:59)
2.Balassi verbunkja (8:11)
3.Kecskés (5:34)
4.Romános, a Misié (4:34)
5.Csordapásztorok (4:33)
6.Szonáta (5:08)
7.Adventi ének (6:15)
8.Bartóké oláhos (4:38)
9.Az ő szerelmének örök és maradandó voltáról (7:14)
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BGCD 100 CD 2001   0.00
The Legend of St. Gellért
(Szent Gellért Legendája)

Enlarge this picture! The members of this ensemble are amongst the best musicians of the Hungarian folk scene : ’VUJICSICS’, ’TÉKA’, ’HUNGARIAN HURDY-GURDY ENSEMBLE. The group is a result of an old dream : on the one hand the cultivation of the tradition of BOURDON-SOUND (sound of hurdy-gurdy and of bagpipe) on the other hand the search of new ways within this sound with innovative purpse.

Mihály Borbély (Vujicsics) - clarinet, tárogató, alt saxophone, zurna, viola-tambura
Pál Havasréti (Téka, Magyar Tekerőzenekar) - double-bass, cello, drum
Judit Kóta - voice
György Lányi (Téka) - viola, bagpipe, vocal
Béla Szerényi (Magyar Tekerőzenekar) - hurdy-gurdies, vocal

1.Pista bácsi (4:06)   
2.Szenyéri-nemzetség (4:56)
3.Szentesi kálátós (5:57)
4.Árvák (4:08)
5.Szarvasének (5:59)
6."Magyarok Symphoniája" (1:58)
7.Szent Gellért legendája (5:09)
8.Párosélet (3:47)
9.Padkaporos történet (5:43)
10.Szörnyű nagy romlásra készült Pannónia (4:26)
11.Szabad a madárnak (5:43)
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BGCD 036 CD 1999   0.00