Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Christmas Songs
(Csordapásztorok (maxi) )
Christmas folk

Enlarge this picture! Christmas album by Muzsikás.

Péter Éri - voice, long flute, 3 stringed viola
Dániel Hamar - voice, double bass
László Porteleki - voice, tambur
Mihály Sipos - voice, violin, zither, bell, cowbell

Lázár Balogh - organ

1.Karácsony-éjféli dudálás, orgonán
3.Pásztornóták hosszúfurulyán
4.Karácsonyi kántálás
6.Jer, mindnyájan örüljünk
7.Bach: C - dúr preludium
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GCD 114 CD 2011   7.00
Allegro Barbaro folk

Enlarge this picture! "Over the past years we have put together several successful concert programs demonstrating the close relationship between Béla Bartók's works and folk music. (...) As he wrote modern classical music for our time, he used melodies, melodic turns, harmonies and rhythms which he came across on his journeys collecting folk music and while transcribing the music afterwards.
For us, taking part in the Transylvanian village dance events, hearing the musicians there up close, seeing the dancing, being there to experience the heart-stirring atmosphere - has made a lasting and crucial impression on us. This is what we would like to conjure up and pass on in our concerts.
We have found that no matter where we play in the world, this music awakens deep human feelings in people. We are convinced that the music we have inherited here in the Carpathian Basin is the common treasure of music loving audiences of the world.
This is also what we would like to pass on with this DVD - brought about in collaboration with pianist Jenő Jandó. Rounding out the concert filmed at Budapest's Millenári Teatrum, are otherwise inaccessable video and film clips from the last decade and a half." - Dániel Hamar, the Muzsikás Ensemble

Mihály Sipos - violin
László Porteleki - violin, tambura, Moldavian lute
Péter Éri - viola, long shepherd's flute, kaval
Dániel Hamar - double-bass, hit-cello, drum

Guest artists:
Jenő Jandó - piano
Mária Petrás - voice

Concert DVD of the Womex and Prima Primissima Award winner band. + Rarities, specialites, interviews, archive recordings in more than 90 minutes!

1. Kalotaszegi hajnali, csárdás és szapora / Couple dances of Kalotaszeg
2. Békási táncdallamok / Dances of Békás region
3. Dunántúli dallamok / Melodies from Transdanubia Bartók - Három magyar népdal 1. / Three Hungarian Folktunes 1.
Somogyi dallamok hosszúfurulyán / Melodies on long sheperd's flute
Bartók - Gyermekeknek II./40, I./20, I./21 / For Children II./40, I./20, I./21
Dunántúli ugrósok / "Ugrós" melodies from Transdanubia
Bartók - Improvizációk magyar parasztdalokral, 5. / Inprovisations on hungarian Peasant Songs, 5.
4. Dudautánzás / Bagpipe imitation
Bartók - Kis szvit 5. (Dudás) / Petite Suite, 5. (Bagpipes)
Dudautánzás hegedűn / Bagpipe imitation on violin
5. "Allegro Barbaro" Bartók - Az éjszaka zenéje / Out of Doors: Night music
Gyimesi halottkísérő, kerekes és héjsza / Lament and "héjsza" from Gyimes
Bartók - Allegro Barbaro / Allegro Barbaro
6. "Ahol én elmenek..." (Moldva, ballada) / " Wherever I go..."
7. Gergelytánc és övestánc / Dances of Moldva region
8. Román népi táncok / Romanian Folk Dances
Bota és inviritita / "Bota" and "Inviritita"
Bartók - Román népi táncok 1, 2. / Romanian Folk Dances 1, 2.
Pe loc / "Pe loc"
Bartók - Román népi táncok 3, 4, 5. / Romanian Folk Dances 3, 4, 5.
Méhkeréki tapsos / "Maruntel" from Méhkerék
Bartók - Román népi táncok 6. / Romanian Folk Dances 6.

1.Kalotaszegi hajnali, csárdás és szapora / Couple dances of Kalotaszeg
2.Békási táncdallamok / Melodies from Transdanubia
3.Dunántúli dallamok / Melodies from Transdanubia
4.Dudautánzás / Bagpipe imitation
5.Allegro Barbaro
6."Ahol én elmegyek..." (Moldva, ballada) / "Wherever I go..."
7.Gergelytánc és övestánc / Dances of Moldva region
8.Román népi táncok / Rumanian Folk Dances
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MU 006 DVD 2008   16.00
Living Hungarian Folk Music
(Élő Népzene)

Enlarge this picture! Muzsikás group was formed in 1973, taken the sample of the old peasants' groups,mirroring their sound. They learn the authentic way of playing folk music from yet existing village musicians and bands. Their music is clear, authentic and attractive at the same time. Muzsikás group got the title 'Masters of folk art' in 1974. On their first album they play songs from different regions of the Hungarian language area. They stay devoted to the traditions and use solely the original wind and string instuments. This album shows a very good example of the Hungarian folk culture.

1.Lóra csikós (Szatmár)
2.Elment az én rózsám (Szlavónia)
3.Uccu, tedd rá (Dél-Dunántúl)
4.Széki táncrend (Szék)
5.Dudanóták (Észak-Magyarország)
6.Héjsza (Gyimes)
7.Indulj el egy úton (Moldva)
8.Virágok közt virág voltam (Mezőség)
9.Gyimesi dallamok (Gyimes)
10.Bonchidai román forgatós (Mezőség)
12.Egyedem, begyedem
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HCD 18037 CD 1993   14.00