Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Tükrös együttes
Our Transylvanian Heath
(A mi Mezőségünk)

Enlarge this picture! "The members of the Tükrös Band are among those who believe that the beauty, power and dynamism of the well-rehearsed ‘chamber music’ of the very best village bands is able to offer a rare experience to the listener without any need to arrange or mix genres.
The folk music of the Transylvanian Heath (Mezőség) is not a simple matter either for the musicians or for the audience. It provides an elemental experience if the performer is capable of conveying every nuance of the playing style that has been polished over the centuries, yet may create uncomfortable feelings if the performance is merely confined to the approximate playing of tunes and rhythms. We certainly set ourselves the former as our aim, laying our foundations on irreplaceable first-hand experiences, as in many cases we were able to learn the essence of playing folk music personally from our musical role models.
‘Our Transylvanian Heath’ is not an anthology album. It was not our intention therefore to give a comprehensive introduction to the wonderfully multifaceted musical world of the region. As the title suggests, it is rather a selection, hand-picked from the repertoires of the village Gypsy bands of Mezőség that we find the most endearing, a taster of their playing styles. The selection is entirely subjective – the music heard here is in fact the meeting point between the highly-refined and demanding method of music-making and our personal experiences. For us, these are pieces of music which determined that Hungarian folk music would become a decisive factor in our lives. We play a short piece of the villages of Magyarpalatka, Magyarszovát, Szék, Bonchida, Nagysajó and – as an interesting exception – Kolozs. We hope that ‘Our Transylvanian Heath’ might offer the same experience to the listener as those experiences we ourselves received from the village musicians we consider our masters – and as much joy from these tunes as we felt while playing them." - Péter Árendás

Éva Korpás – voice (1, 2, 5, 6)
Gergely Koncz – violin (1, 2, 4, 6-8)
Attila Halmos – violin (1, 3-8), voice (3)
Péter Árendás – viola (1-4, 6-8)
Endre Liber – viola (1, 4, 7, 8), voice (3), cimbalom (6)
András Lelkes – double bass (1-4, 6-8)

1.Magyarpalatkai menyasszonykísérő, csárdás és sűrű csárdás
2.Magyarszováti négyes, lassú, szásztánc és összerázás
3.Szék 2006. Kisutcai Sipos Márton nótája
4.Magyarpalatkai katonakísérő, de-a lungu, romÂneste-n botă és bătuta
5.Visai katonakísérő
6.Bonchidai sűrű csárdás, lassú és bărbunc
7.Nagysajói magyar lakodalmi kísérő, menyasszonytánc, de-a lungu és Învârtita
8.Kakukktojás: kolozsi legényes, csárdás és sebes
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FECD 040 CD 2008   13.00
Hungarian Village Music from the 20th Century
(Szatmári népzene az 1900-as évekből)

Enlarge this picture! The music on this recording was an organic part of the life of the average Hungarian who lived in Szatmár Country for the better part of the twentieth century – with this music the people of Szatmár celebrated , they cried, it is what they heard on the most important events of their lives - for them this was the MUSIC.

Éva Korpás - voice (2,5,8)
Attila Halmos - violin (1-3,5,7-9), voice (2,6,8)
Gergely Koncz - violin (1-3,6,8-9), viola(4)
Péter Árendás - viola (1-3,5-9)
Endre Liber - cymbal (1-5,7-9)
András Lelkes - double bass (1-9)
Attila Csávás - tárogató (1,7)
Dusán Hégli - dance (1,7)
Róbert Lakatos - violin (1,4,9)
László Papp - voice, dance (3)

2.Hallgató, csárdás és verbunk (Szatmárökörító)
4.Kanásztánc és oláhos
5.Hallgató, csendes, csárdás és ugrós (Kisar)
7.Verbunk és oláhos
8.Samu Mihály nótái (Nyírmada)
9.Rákóczi induló
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FECD 001 CD 2000   13.00