Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Nostradamus 2.0 - RETURNITY
(Nostradamus 2.0)

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Nostradamus 2.0 - RETURNITY
(Nostradamus 2.0) progressive
Enlarge this picture!No visions were born.
There was a year when the whole world was burning in the fever of the lunar landing. Rightly, of course, but in the fall of the same year, just a few months after Neil Amstrong’s small steps, the ancestor of the world-wide Internet network, the ARPANET, was turned on in beautiful silence, without any particular fuss.
At the time, no one had any idea that this would usher in a new era in human history. True, it wasn’t Skynet that awoke to self-awareness that day, only four university computers were connected to each other, but its impact has transformed our entire world by now. Today, we are driven by the technological boom, of which, of course, only one element is the Internet revolution. The discovery of nuclear fission, the invention of television, the birth of artificial intelligence, or a barely perceptible change in the concept of time are all a
drop in this all-encompassing sea of ​​information.
Which can be considered a blessing, but can also be considered a fate. One thing cannot be disputed: it has changed the world dramatically. And this change can be uplifting and destructive at the same time, and we have no idea which scenario will come true in the end. We have no sure future. Neither good nor bad.
Our discoveries are Janus-faced: they can open the door to eternity or wipe us off the face of the Earth forever. Ianus is the protective spirit of passages (iani) and gates (ianuae), the beginning and end in Roman mythology, and we are now right in front of these gates ....

Nostradamus wars, kings, churches, intrigues, conspiracies, revolutions, betrayals and he imagined the future as a never-ending series of rebellions. Not unreasonably.
But if we ask where one got in the meantime, we tend to answer that nowhere. That we are the same now as we used to be: we may not be at hand, but we are still at war, we have more religions and churches than ever before, betrayal, conspiracy, revolution and rebellion are still happening in large numbers, we can even show a king and a queen , in fact, it is customary to say that
we ourselves have not changed much. That our intentions, emotions, good and bad qualities are almost the same as they used to be. I mean, we really didn't get anywhere.
But really not?
Has nothing really changed since the beginning of history?
Well, one thing must have happened: our technology today is home to seven and a half billion people on Earth, for better or worse. We would never have been able to do that before.
And this result was not born of wars, kings, churches, intrigues and conspiracies.
Fire, the wheel, the music, the medicine, the steam engine, the radio waves can only be discovered on boring, gray weekdays. It takes time to think. Lots of time. And it is given only during long, peaceful periods.
Wars, royal families, conspiracies encircling empires have little to do with our history, yet we preserve the memory of these with the utmost care: the ruler who killed at least two wives, the emperor who set fire to a couple of Roman buildings, or his warlord who cut through elephants on a mountain to conquer a city. Well, they proved worthy of remembrance. On the other hand, we know little about those who have really helped us with this present future, this NOW.

We made tabloid history. We told ourselves that our story was like the Battle of the Thrones. But this is just an Imaginary History - and Nostradamus' predictions were born of this misconception, this imaginary history.
He had envisioned an event that fit exactly into this world of myths: wars, the birth and fall of antichrists, rulers - but nothing that would have fallen outside this narrow tale. So we stayed here without a single worthwhile, fulfilled prophecy. This record is about prophecies that were never born. It’s all about a fateful event without which the world couldn’t be what it was.
Is it good or bad?
None of us suspect.
We have ideas from both paths, and those ideas inspired this album.

1. Returnity (Return to Eternity) I-VI. (Róbert Erdész) 34:00
I. August 1, 1960
II. December 2, 1942
III. April 26, 1986
IV. June 30, 1905
V. September 2, 1969
VI. July 20, 1969
2. Double Helix - February 28, 1953 (Attila Kollár) 3:04
3. Deep Blue - May 11, 1997 (Attila Kollár) 3:33
4. Radioscope - March 20, 1926 (Bogdán Csaba) 3:54

Csaba Bogdan - guitars
Robert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums and percussion
Attila Kollár - flute, recorder, Tambourine, vocal
Ferenc Raus - drums (Track 2 and 4)
Attila Seres - bass
Vilmos Tóth - drums (Track 1 / Theorem I)
and of course István Cziglán, who is always with us.
Edina Szirtes Mókus - violin
Zsuzsa Ullmann - vocals
György Demeter - vocals
Ferenc Gerdesits - vocals
Sound engineer: Tamás Erdész
Eternal manager: István Tereh
The recordings and post - production were made in the Solaris studio, the guitar recordings in the TBT studio, the drum recordings in "Pannonia".
Cover photo: Ágnes Erdész
Graphic works: László Bosnyák

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SMP 1901 CD 2019   0.00
Martian Chronicles - Live CD
(Marsbéli krónikák - Live CD)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! The fabulous album of Solaris, The Martian Chronicles came out in the spring of 1984. It turned 30 years old in 2014. The occasion of the jubilee, the band made a live first performance of the album at the Bartók Béla concert hall of Palace of Arts (MÜPA) in 26th of October in 2014. Every song of the Martian Chronicles had been played on the concert, moreover in the original version with segments which were not on the bakelite because of the lack of space.

They summoned the two very important and sadly gone founder member of the band, Cziglán István and Tóth Vilmos. István was visualized by M. Kecskés András mime, and Vili in turn with a record (made on the stage of the Palace of Arts earlier), so the band were able to play with their partner who was shown on the beamer.

Attila Seres - bass
Ferenc Raus - drums
István Cziglán (from recordings) - guitar
Vilmos Tóth (from recordings) - drums
Csaba Bogdán - guitar
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums
Attila Kollár - flute, block, sythesizer, tambourine

Zsuzsa Ullmann - vocal
Tünde Krasznai - vocal
Ferenc Muck - sax
Péter Gerendás - acoustic guitar
Tamás Erdész - guitar
Balázs Szendőfi - bass

1.Marsbéli Krónikák I/1.
2.Marsbéli Krónikák I/2.
3.Marsbéli Krónikák I/3.
4.M'ars poetica
7.Marsbeli Krónikák II/1. tétel
8.Marsbeli Krónikák II/7. tétel
9.Ha felszáll a köd
12.E-moll concerto allegro com molto
13.Mickey Mouse
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SMP 006 CD 2015   0.00
Martian Chronicles - Live DVD
(Marsbéli krónikák - Live DVD)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! The fabulous album of Solaris, The Martian Chronicles came out in the spring of 1984. It turned 30 years old in 2014. The occasion of the jubilee, the band made a live first performance of the album at the Bartók Béla concert hall of Palace of Arts (MÜPA) in 26th of October in 2014. Every song of the Martian Chronicles had been played on the concert, moreover in the original version with segments which were not on the bakelite because of the lack of space.

They summoned the two very important and sadly gone founder member of the band, Cziglán István and Tóth Vilmos. István was visualized by M. Kecskés András mime, and Vili in turn with a record (made on the stage of the Palace of Arts earlier), so the band were able to play with their partner who was shown on the beamer.

Attila Seres - bass
Ferenc Raus - drums
István Cziglán (from recordings) - guitar
Vilmos Tóth (from recordings) - drums
Csaba Bogdán - guitar
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums
Attila Kollár - flute, block, sythesizer, tambourine

Zsuzsa Ullmann - vocal
Tünde Krasznai - vocal
Ferenc Muck - sax
Péter Gerendás - acoustic guitar
Tamás Erdész - guitar
Balázs Szendőfi - bass

1.Marsbéli Krónikák I/1.
2.Marsbéli Krónikák I/2-3.
3.Marsbéli Krónikák I/4-6.
4.M’ars poetica
10.Marsbéli Krónikák II/1. tétel
11.Marsbéli Krónikák II. / 7. tétel
13.Ha felszáll a köd
15.E-moll concerto
16.Mickey Mouse
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SMPDVD 006 DVD 2015   0.00
Martian Chronicles - Live CD+DVD
(Marsbéli krónikák - Live CD+DVD)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! The fabulous album of Solaris, The Martian Chronicles came out in the spring of 1984. It turned 30 years old in 2014. The occasion of the jubilee, the band made a live first performance of the album at the Bartók Béla concert hall of Palace of Arts (MÜPA) in 26th of October in 2014. Every song of the Martian Chronicles had been played on the concert, moreover in the original version with segments which were not on the bakelite because of the lack of space.

They summoned the two very important and sadly gone founder member of the band, Cziglán István and Tóth Vilmos. István was visualized by M. Kecskés András mime, and Vili in turn with a record (made on the stage of the Palace of Arts earlier), so the band were able to play with their partner who was shown on the beamer.

The Martian Chronicles Live CD and DVD was made of the records of 12 cameras and 40 sound-tracks.

Attila Seres - bass
Ferenc Raus - drums
István Cziglán (from recordings) - guitar
Vilmos Tóth (from recordings) - drums
Csaba Bogdán - guitar
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums
Attila Kollár - flute, block, sythesizer, tambourine

Zsuzsa Ullmann - vocal
Tünde Krasznai - vocal
Ferenc Muck - sax
Péter Gerendás - acoustic guitar
Tamás Erdész - guitar
Balázs Szendőfi - bass

1.Marsbéli Krónikák I/1
2.Marsbéli Krónikák I/2.
3.Marsbéli Krónikák I/3.
4.M'ars poetica
7.Marsbeli Krónikák II/1. tétel
8.Marsbeli Krónikák II/7. tétel
9.Ha felszáll a köd
12.E-moll concerto allegro com molto
13.Mickey Mouse
1.Marsbéli Krónikák I/1.
2.Marsbéli Krónikák I/2-3.
3.Marsbéli Krónikák I/4-6.
4.M’ars poetica
10.Marsbéli Krónikák II/1. tétel
11.Marsbéli Krónikák II. / 7. tétel
13.Ha felszáll a köd
15.E-moll concerto
16.Mickey Mouse
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SMPDVD 007 DVD+CD 2015   0.00
Live Chronicles progressive

Enlarge this picture! Live collection from 1980-2006.

A 1 track recorded in May 1980, Budai Ifjúsági Park, Budapest, Hungary, at the debut gig of the band.

A 2-4 tracks recorded in November 1995, Variety Art’s Theatre, Los Angeles. USA.

A 5 track recorded in September 1996, Metropolitan Hall, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - previously unreleased

B 1 track recorded in April 1986. PeCsa, Budapest, Hungary, at the farewell gig of the 1980s band - previously unreleased

B 2-4 tracks recorded in March 2004, Live at Teatro de la Ciudad, Monterrey, Mexico

B 5 track recorded in April 2006. MÜPA, Budapest, Hungary - previously unreleased

Csaba Bogdán - guitar A 2-5, B 2-5
István Cziglán - guitar and keyboards A 1, A 4, B 1
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums A 2-5, B 2-5
Gábor Kisszabó - bass A 2-5, B 5
Attila Kollár - flute and keyboards
Tamás Pócs - bass B 2-5
Attila Seres - bass A 1
Vilmos Tóth - drums A 1

A side
2.Legyőzhetetlen / Undefeatable
3.Ha felszáll a köd / In The Fog Ascends
4.Éden / Eden
5.In Rio - flute & guitar solo
B side
1.Pantomim zene - részlet / Pantomime Music - excerpt
2.Próféciák könyve II. / Book of Prophecies Part 2
3.Az oroszlán birodalma / The Lion's Empire
4.Az igazság pillanata / The Moment of Truth
5.A Viking visszatér / The Return of the Viking
Comments (1 messages, last one: Aug 08, 2014 6:57 PM)
KARLP 003 LP 2014   0.00
Martian Chronicles II. (CD)
(Marsbéli krónikák II. (CD))
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! Attila Kollár - flute, tambourine, whistle
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
Csaba Bogdán - guitar
László Gömör – drums, percussions
Attila Seres - bass
Ferenc Raus - drums

István Cziglán - guitar (archive recordings)
Tamás Pócs - bass (archive recordings)
Tamás Erdész - guitar
Balázs Szendőfi - bass
Péter Gerendás - guitar
Ferenc Muck - sax
Zsuzsa Ulmann - vocal
Edina Szirtes Mókus - vocal, violin
Tünde Krasznai - vocal

1.Marsbéli Krónikák II. - 1. tétel / Martian Chronicles II. - 1st movement
2.Marsbéli Krónikák II. - 2-6. tétel / Martian Chronicles II. - 2-6th movement
3.Marsbéli Krónikák II. - 7. tétel / Martian Chronicles II. - 7th movement
4.Hangok a múltból - 1-2. tétel / Voices From The Past - 1-2nd movement
5.A világ nélkülünk / The World Without Us
6.Az emberbogarak büszkesége / The Pride Of Human Insects
7.Lehetetlen / Impossible
8.Alien Song
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SMP 005 CD 2014   0.00
Live In Los Angeles 1995 (official bootleg) progressive

Enlarge this picture! In 1995 (November) the Solaris was the headliner at the Los Angeles Progfest. Greg Walker invited the band, which has not existed for years. Greg's faith and hope led to success. After six years silence the band started to rehearse and the band had a fantastic gig in L.A. The DVD contains the complete live material of that unforgettable concert. This is an official bootleg from VHS and Umatic recordings.
Bonus: interviews with the band members from 2010.

„It was a dream for me to see Solaris play live as it was for many other people who attended. …Forgotten Group?! Progressive music is timeless and you have more fans throughout the world than you can ever imagine. … Thanks for all your time and efforts in realizing a dream…”
Greg Walker – 11.12.1995

Csaba BOGDÁN - guitar
István CZIGLÁN – guitar, Moog synthesizer
Róbert ERDÉSZ - keyboards
László GÖMÖR - drums
Gábor KISSZABÓ - bass
Attila KOLLÁR – flute, Moog synthesizer
Tamás PÓCS – bass

1.Martian Chronicles Part 3.
2.Hungarian Dance
3.M'Ars Poetica
5.Bonus Game
6.Concerto In E Minor
8.If The Fog Clears Aways..
10.Wizard of Oz
11.Mickey Mouse
13.The Viking Comes Back
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SMPDVD 1002 DVD 2010   0.00
Nostradamus - Live in Mexico (DVD + CD) progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! Recorded live at Monterrey Teatro de la Ciudad in 23th and 24th March 2004.

- Nostradamus suite concert version
- 3 short trip documentary from Mexico City, Monterrey and Baja
- 3 minutes excerpts from the Musical Witchcraft concert in Monterrey
- 1,5 minutes excerpts from the Welcome to My Brain concert in Monterrey
- the CD contains the full concert

Csaba Bogdán – guitar
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums
Attila Kollár – flute, blockflőte, vocal
Tamás Pócs – bass

Comments (2 messages, last one: Feb 11, 2011 07:09 AM)
SMPDVD 0702 DVD+CD 2007   0.00
Archive Videos
(Archív videók)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! This DVD contains rare videos.

1.A párviadal (részlet) - Betlehem (New York) 1999 (4:07)
2.Solaris (részlet) - Los Angeles 1995, Rio de Janeiro 1996 (2:29)
3.Próféciák könyve - radio edit - video klip (3:25)
4.NOAB (részlet) - Wroclav 1980 (1:37)
5.Viking - archív részletek 1980-90 (4:00)
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SMP022B DVD 2006   0.00
Archive 2. - NOAB
(Archive 2. - NOAB)

Enlarge this picture! The long-awaited second part of the ARCHIVE TRILOGY OF SOLARIS with rare and unreleased songs.

NOAB: this more then 20-minute long suite was one of the basic Solaris compositions, which should have been the A-side of the very first Solaris album. The band picked out short pieces of this concept track using the tunes in ’The Martian Chronicles’ and ’Los Angeles 2026’. As we had not even one complete and good recording of this composition this final edited version on this CD was compiled and put together into one from 11 different concert recordings. It was a huge work of Soalris members and this is also one of the reasons why we had to wait for more then 2 years of this album.

Róbert Erdész - keyboards
Gábor Kisszabó - bass
Ferenc Raus - drums
Csaba Bogdán - guitar
István Cziglán - guitar
Vilmos Tóth - drums
Attila Kollár - flute

1.NOAB (21:48)
2.Szép, új világ - Brave New World (3:57)
3.Marrakech (7:44)
4.Toatelle (5:54)
5.Újjászületés 2. - Reborn 2. (11:09)
6.Dr. Mabuse ezR szeme - Dr. Mabuse’s Thousand Eyes (5:31)
Comments (1 messages, last one: Nov 11, 2005 1:22 PM)
BGCD 154 CD 2005   0.00
Archive 1. - Back to the Roots...
(Archive 1. - Az Első Idők)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! This album is the first part of the ARCHIVE TRILOGY OF SOLARIS. Rare and unreleased songs from the very beginning, from 1980. This line-up has been together only for 8 months!

István Cziglán - guitar
Róbert Erdész - organ
Attila Kollár - flute
Attila Seres - bass
Vilmos Tóth - drums

1.Újjászületés - Revival (11:54)
2.Ellenpont - eredeti verzió - Counterpoint - original version (4:33)
3.Solaris szvit (Ősviking - Solaris - A dűne hullámai) - Solaris Suite Parts (Ancient Viking - Solaris - Waves of the Dune) (18:53)
4.Távoli tűz - Distant Fire (4:21)
5.Legyőzhetetlen - 1980 - Undefeatable (9:06)
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BGCD 059 CD 2000   0.00
Nostradamus - Book of Prophecies
(Nostradamus - Próféciák Könyve)
progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! "We have been interested for long in the 'legend of Nostradamus'.
Of course, not necessarily in the way of believing in it. Morover in such a way as a mystical variation to an important question: how far are we linked to the flow of the time? Indeed, are we separated from time by a wall which cannot be crossed over. This question makes us think because there is no reply. We have drawn from several sources, put the picture together from several elements, that became the historical basis of the album. We handled our sources without any criticism. As if they were true from the very first word to the very last one, though they contradict not only to each other, but many times also to themselves. We have not studied which of them can stand the truth-value. If a gap was found somewhere, we filled it with our own phantasy. We have weaved further the legend. We have simply imagined the thrilling world of "what would be if...".
"We have imagined a monumental, mysterious film. And we composed the music to it. To sequence of pictures that have never existed."

Csaba Bogdán – guitar
Róbert Erdész - keyboards
László Gömör - drums
Gábor Kisszabó – bass
Attila Kollár – flute, vocal
Tamás Pócs – bass

Zsuzsa Ullmann - vocal
György Demeter - vocal
Ferenc id.Gerdesits - vocal
Tamás Bátor - vocal
János Varga (ex-East) – guitar
Zsolt Vámos – guitar
Ferenc Muck - sax

1.Book of Prophecies - I. Foreword / Próféciák Könyve - Előszó
2.Book of Prophecies - II. Birth of Visions / Próféciák Könyve - Látomások születése   
3.Book of Prophecies - III. At the Gate of Eternity / Próféciák Könyve - Az örökkévalóság kapujában (20:35)
4.The Duel / A párviadal (7:20)   
5.The Lion's Empire / Az oroszlán birodalma (6:40)
6.Wings of the Phoenix / A főnix szárnyai (5:08)
7.Ship of Darkness / Sötétség hajója (5:46)
8.Wargames (4:28)
9.The Moment of Truth / Az Igazság Pillanata
10.The Moment of Truth II. - Last Poem / Az Igazság Pillanata - Az utolsó vers (6:40)
11.Book of Prophecies / Próféciák Könyve - Radio Edit (3:25)
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BGCD 025 CD 1999   0.00
Live in Los Angeles - digitally remastered (2CD) progressive rock

Enlarge this picture! In 1995 (November) the Solaris was the headliner at the Los Angeles Progfest. Greg Walker invited the band, which has not existed for years. Greg's faith and hope led to success. After six years silence the band started to rehearse and the band had a fantastic gig in L.A. This double CD contains the complete live material of that unforgettable concert. After a long “fight” the Solaris was convinced of putting a brand new song on this CD. The bonus track is a 11:56 minutes long real Solaris sound, just as if it was 15 - 20 years ago. This CD is the first, long awaited “Live” material from one of the most famous Hungarian progressive bands. Finally we can listen to it, we can keep it in our hands. You’ll enjoy it! Buy it!

Csaba BOGDÁN - guitar
István CZIGLÁN - guitar
Róbert ERDÉSZ - keyboards
László GÖMÖR - drums
Gábor KISSZABÓ - bass
Attila KOLLÁR - flute
Tamás PÓCS - bass

1.Martian Chronicles Part III.
2.Hungarian Dance
3.M'ars Poetica
5.Bonus Game
6.Concerto in E-minor
2.If the Fog Clears Away
4.Wizard of Oz
5.Mickey Mouse
7.The Viking Comes Back
bonus tracks
2.Rio - Live
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SMP 004 CD 1996   0.00