Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Jenei Szilveszter
Cigánybetlehem world music

Enlarge this picture! What is Bethlehem in gipsy language? What do the Gipsies think of Christmas? What do love and peace mean for this nation living with us for one thousand years but not having their own country. As a musical collection of the verses and gipsy folk art of gipsy poets from the Carpathian basin, this album searches the answers to these questions.
The poets are József Choli-Daróczy, György Rostás-Farkas, József Kovács Hontalan, Anro Lolestye, József Szepesi, but there are also verses on Christmas of not gipsy poets, such as Endre Ady and Ernő Szép. In this album, there are traditional poems and quotations from the Bible, and all poems and songs contain both Hungarian and lovari linguistic elements. Authenticity of the songs is evoked by the traditional gypsy instruments (guitar, mandoline, tin can, “mouth-bass” well integrated to the world musical atmosphere of the album). The singers are members of famous gipsy folk ensembles, Ágnes Künstler, József Balog from the KALYI JAG and Mária Balog, István Farkas and Béla Lakatos from the TERNIPÉ. The poems are recited by the artists Judit Jónás and Balázs Dévai.

1.A csillagom (3:50)
2.Ahol az éjszaka (0:21)
3.Szent Karácsony éjjelén (3:07)
4.Zsoltárok könyve 40. (1:08)
5.Dal (4:25)
6.A csillagok lejönnek (0:30)
7.A csillagok lejönnek (0:29)
8.Karácsony (2:29)
9.Zöld az erdő (3:35)
10.Ézsaiás könyve 57-58 (1:12)
11.Karácsonynak éjszakáján (3:30)
12.Anyám, Karácsony (0:27)
13.Karácsony (3:07)
14.Énekeljetek cigányok (3:05)
15.Univerzumból tiszta fény (1:00)
16.Jeremiás siralmai 3. (1:17)
17.Valamikor kint a nagyvilágban (3:32)
18.Volt Istenem.... (3:53)
19.Ima (1:29)
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BGCD 130 CD 2003   0.00