Periferic Records - Stereo Kft.      H-1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 59.   tel.: +36-1-385-63-43
Periferic 2004
Symphonic Art-Rock from Hungary sympho-rock art-rock

Enlarge this picture! This compilation of Periferic Records may be the album of collectors for several reasons. I think so, because, on the one hand, we have here two artists whose musical work is first published now: FÉDRA makes his début with a composition focusing on guitar, while Levente RIZ launches chamber-rock music with deep feelings. On the other hand, I got five previously unreleased compositions from known Periferic musicians: the title piece of the second solo album of Róbert ERDÉSZ (Solaris), an acoustic performance of MUSICAL WITCHCRAFT (Attila KOLLÁR – Solaris), a short piece of NOAB by SOLARIS, the “radio-friendly” song by D SOUND and the complex composition of MINDFLOWERS playing, this time, also on Hammond organ. Furthermore, the acoustic remix of KORAI ÖRÖM, the experimental blues of KADA, the piano-tale of Csaba VEDRES, the symphonic-ethnoid-rock piece of FUGATO and the classical sympho-rock drama of AFTER CRYING were already published on our recent albums but we hope that this compilation reaches the audience and experts who have not heard them yet. We are pleased to quote a Spanish journalist’s words about the music of Periferic Records: „Music of the future – today!”

1.Erdész Róbert - Welcome To My Brain
2.Musical Witchcraft - Utazás az Andokba
3.Solaris - NOAB
4.Fédra - Vudu
5.D Sound - Fény
6.Korai Öröm - Balkan Beach
7.Mindflowers - Ego
8.Kada - Blues For Gabor
9.Vedres Csaba - Mesék I.
10.Riz Levente - Oh boldog az…
11.Fugato - Etnoid
12.After Crying - Secret Service
Comments (1 messages, last one: Jan 29, 2006 10:13 AM)
BGCD 146 CD 2004   0.00
Folk-World-Ethno from Hungary folk world music world music

Enlarge this picture! With this fifth folk-world compilation, at the end of 2004, Periferic Records will have 145 albums, 58 of which may be qualified as folk-world music. This number may indicate that, for Periferic Records, it is important to foster and safeguard our musical traditions and to transfer them to the audience. In addition to certain “good old musicians” (KORMORÁN, TERNIPE, DONGÓ, CIFRA), Periferic Records is primarily dedicated to promote younger ensembles who, nevertheless, represent high quality of folk and world music. HÉTRÉT, with its funny ditty-music, BÁSTYA CITERAZENEKAR (cittern-ensemble), with its historic dirge, Balázs UNGER, with his virtuosic dulcimer play, PAYÉ, with its Celtic-Hungarian old-modern tonality, ROZSDAMARÓ, with its traditional melody of Bonchida or ARASINDA, with its Turkish folk music, are welcome on any stages of the world. Our hope is that, at the end of the CD, the singing of the CHOIRS OF THE REFORMED CHURCH with 200 singers gives faith even to the unbelievers. It is important for the editor to transfer the musical values from over the Hungarian borders, therefore several melodies of these regions of old historic Hungary are performed by several Hungarian musicians from Transylvania, Upper Northern and Southern (Voivodship) Hungary.

1.Hétrét - Duda-rida
2.Kormorán - Úton a mélybe
3.Bástya Citerazenekar - Ének az aradi vértanukról
4.Unger Balázs - Moldvai dedoi, hora és sirba
5.Dongó Ensemble - Skót hírnevünk
6.Payé - Ritual
7.Rozsdamaró - Bonchidai román táncdallamok
8.Ternipe - Dal
9.Tuba Tóbiás - Állatkert-dal
10.Arasinda - Püsküllüdür püsküllü
11.Cifra Ensemble - Csillagok, csillagok
12.Református Kórusok - Jöjj mondjunk hálaszót
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BGCD 145 CD 2004   0.00